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Our COVID19 interactive tracker has mapped the journey of every Australian university shifting from face-to-face learning to providing purely online education offerings. This has been a seismic shift in the way that university staff and students teach and learn during a time of crisis. Regardless of whether this shift is a necessary stop gap or the beginnings of a new era, now is the time to hear the experiences of those learning in these new conditions. Our international students, after arriving on our shores to receive an inter-cultural and international experience, are now adjusting to online study. Hearing their voices at this time can help us adjust how we deliver online education and support to ensure we maintain our reputation as world-leading tertiary providers.

In Episode 2 of our video series, we check in with four Chinese international students in Australia to talk about the benefits and the challenges they are experiencing as they study online. In this episode, our students identify potential quality gaps between face-to-face and online offerings and suggest real solutions that help institutions ensure that online courses match student expectations.


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